Historical minimum in the pool price
The average daily price of the wholesale electricity market, known as pool, stood at 17.12 euros per megawatt hour (MWh) in the month of February, which is the lowest price since it began operating, below the 17.57 euros in March 2001 or 18.17 euros in April of last year.
This February price and the one recorded in January, of 33.62 euros, obtained in both cases from data from the operator Omel, place the average of the first two months at 25.37 euros, which represents a level of 47% lower than the price of 48.41 euros established by the Government for the domestic electricity rate for the first quarter.
The price set by the Executive, resulting from the recommendation of the CNMC based on the price of the last six months of the forward market for the first quarter of 2014, was the one applied after the Cesur auction of December 19 was invalidated. in which the megawatt hour had stood at 61.83 euros.
News published in investia.com